The Ultimate Guide to Exploring Alaska’s National Parks: Part Three – Glacier Bay

Welcome to AVIS Alaska’s ultimate guide to exploring the natural wonders of Alaska’s national parks! In this third installment, we’ll focus on one of the crown jewels of the Alaskan wilderness: Glacier Bay National Park. While Alaska boasts many breathtaking national parks, focusing on a few at a time allows you to truly immerse yourself in their unique beauty and experiences. So, let’s embark on an adventure to Glacier Bay and discover the awe-inspiring landscapes, diverse wildlife, and practical tips for a memorable trip.

Glacier Bay National Park: A Natural Wonderland

Glacier Bay National Park, located in southeastern Alaska, is a pristine wilderness area known for its stunning icy landscapes, massive tidewater glaciers, and abundant wildlife. The park encompasses over 3.3 million acres, making it one of the largest protected natural areas in the world. Here’s why Glacier Bay should be on your bucket list:

1. Glacial Majesty:

  • Glacier Bay is home to some of the most impressive tidewater glaciers in the world, including the iconic Margerie Glacier and Grand Pacific Glacier. Witness the breathtaking sight of massive ice calving into the sea, creating thunderous splashes and stunning ice formations.

2. Wildlife Encounters:

  • The park is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts. Look for humpback whales, orcas, sea otters, harbor seals, and various seabirds. The park’s diverse ecosystems provide rich feeding grounds for these magnificent creatures.

3. Outdoor Adventures:

  • Glacier Bay offers a range of outdoor activities, including kayaking, hiking, and camping. Paddle among icebergs, explore lush rainforests, and camp under the starry Alaskan sky for an authentic wilderness experience.

4. Cultural Discovery:

  • Learn about the park’s rich cultural history by visiting the Huna Tribal House and the Tlingit Cultural Center. Discover the traditions and stories of the indigenous Tlingit people who have called this area home for centuries.

Practical Tips for Visiting Glacier Bay:

  • Plan Ahead: Glacier Bay can be quite popular, so make reservations for lodging, camping, and boat tours well in advance, especially during the summer months.
  • Take a Boat Tour: To truly experience the park, consider taking a boat tour to get up close to the glaciers and wildlife. Park rangers often provide informative commentary during these tours.
  • Dress in Layers: The weather in Glacier Bay can be unpredictable, so be prepared for rain and temperature fluctuations. Dressing in layers is key to staying comfortable.
  • Respect the Wilderness: As with all national parks, practice Leave No Trace principles by disposing of waste properly, staying on designated trails, and respecting wildlife from a safe distance.
  • Capture the Moment: Don’t forget your camera! Glacier Bay is a photographer’s dream, with endless opportunities for capturing the park’s natural beauty.

A Glacier Bay National Park trip promises an unforgettable adventure in one of Alaska’s most pristine and breathtaking landscapes. Whether you’re marveling at calving glaciers, observing diverse wildlife, or kayaking through serene waters, Glacier Bay offers a truly immersive natural experience. Remember, AVIS Alaska is here to assist you in making your journey as seamless and memorable as possible. Stay tuned for our following guide, where we’ll explore more incredible destinations within Alaska’s national parks.

alaska mountains

The Ultimate Guide to Exploring Alaska’s National Parks: Part Two – Denali and Wrangell St Elias

Welcome back to AVIS Alaska’s ultimate guide to exploring Alaska’s incredible national parks! In this second part, we’ll focus on an unforgettable trip that takes you to two of Alaska’s crown jewels: Denali and Wrangell St Elias National Parks. While exploring all the parks in one trip may seem enticing, focusing on a couple at a time ensures you can truly immerse yourself in their wonders. So, let’s dive into the breathtaking beauty and unique experiences that await you in Denali and Wrangell St Elias.

Denali National Park:

Denali National Park, named after North America’s tallest peak, Denali (formerly Mount McKinley), is a must-visit destination for any Alaskan adventure. The park’s centerpiece, Denali, towers at 20,310 feet and is surrounded by awe-inspiring wilderness. You can explore the park’s six million acres of diverse landscapes, from lush forests to tundra, all while watching for iconic wildlife like grizzly bears, moose, and Dall sheep.

Practical Tips for Visiting Denali:

  • Plan Ahead: Denali is a popular park, and certain parts of the park have limits on visitor numbers. If you are trying to win the road lottery to go farther back into the park, get a campsite, or some of the more popular tours, be sure to secure your spot well in advance.
  • Take a Bus Tour: To venture deeper into the park, consider taking a bus tour. These guided tours offer incredible views, and experienced drivers know the best spots for wildlife sightings.

Wrangell St Elias National Park:

As the largest national park in the United States, Wrangell St Elias is a vast and wild wonderland. Covering over 13 million acres, this park boasts towering mountains, massive glaciers, and lush valleys. Explore historic mining towns, hike to the toe of a glacier, or embark on a flightseeing tour to witness the grandeur of this remote wilderness.

Practical Tips for Visiting Wrangell St Elias:

  • Be Prepared: Wrangell St Elias is remote, and services can be limited. Pack essential supplies, including food, water, and camping gear, and be self-sufficient during your visit.
  • Take a Flightseeing Tour: A flightseeing tour offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see the park’s vastness from the air. Witness towering peaks, expansive glaciers, and even spot wildlife from above.

Additional Tips for Your Alaska National Park Adventure:

  • Logistics: Visiting Denali and Wrangell St Elias will require some logistics planning. Private planes or boats may be necessary, and costs can add up. Consider traveling in a larger group to spread expenses.
  • Embrace the Experience: Don’t rush your adventure. Take time to savor the breathtaking views, connect with nature, and immerse yourself in the tranquility of these remarkable parks.

In conclusion, a trip to Denali and Wrangell St Elias National Parks promises an awe-inspiring journey into the heart of Alaska’s wild beauty. From the majesty of Denali to the vastness of Wrangell St Elias, each park offers a unique and unforgettable experience. Plan ahead, embrace the logistics, and allow yourself to fully appreciate the grandeur of these natural wonders. Remember, AVIS Alaska is here to make your Alaskan national park adventure a seamless and memorable experience by answering any questions you might have. Stay tuned for our following guide, where we’ll explore more incredible destinations in Alaska’s national parks.

The Ultimate Guide to Exploring Alaska’s National Parks: Part One – Kenai, Lake Clark, and Katmai

Welcome to AVIS Alaska’s ultimate guide to exploring Alaska’s breathtaking national parks! In this first part, we’ll focus on an incredible trip that combines three remarkable parks: Kenai, Lake Clark, and Katmai. While it may be tempting to visit all the parks, we understand the logistics and vastness of Alaska can make it challenging. So, let’s dive into the beauty and adventure awaiting you in these extraordinary destinations.

Kenai National Park

On the stunning Kenai Peninsula, Kenai National Park offers diverse landscapes, from towering mountains to pristine coastlines. Outdoor enthusiasts will be in paradise here. Hiking, fishing, and wildlife viewing are popular activities. Take the chance to visit Exit Glacier, where you can witness the power of glacial movement up close. Keep your camera ready for encounters with black bears, moose, and eagles.

Lake Clark National Park

Nestled between the Alaska Range and the Cook Inlet, Lake Clark National Park showcases the wild beauty of Alaska. This park is a photographer’s dream with its turquoise lakes, snow-capped mountains, and vast tundra. Explore the vibrant ecosystems and watch for brown bears, wolves, and caribou. Remember to visit the iconic Redoubt Volcano for a breathtaking backdrop.

Katmai National Park

Prepare for an unforgettable adventure in Katmai National Park, renowned for its spectacular bear viewing opportunities. Witness the awe-inspiring sight of grizzly bears feasting on salmon at Brooks Falls. You’ll feel a deep connection with the untamed wilderness as you capture this iconic moment. Additionally, Katmai offers incredible fishing, stunning landscapes, and the chance to explore the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, a volcanic wonderland.

Tips for Planning Your Trip


With the vastness of Alaska, it’s crucial to focus on a few parks at a time. Combining Kenai, Lake Clark, and Katmai in one trip allows you to experience diverse landscapes and wildlife encounters.


Plan and be prepared for the remote nature of these parks. Private planes or boats are often necessary for transportation. While costs can add up, consider booking as a larger group to share expenses. For Katmai, flying into King Salmon and taking a boat to Brooks can help minimize costs.

Embrace the Experience

While squeezing in as much as possible may be tempting, avoid cramming too many activities into your itinerary. Allow yourself time to immerse in the beauty of each park, savoring the incredible views and moments with wildlife.

In conclusion, the combination of Kenai, Lake Clark, and Katmai National Parks offers an awe-inspiring adventure showcasing Alaska’s true essence. From breathtaking landscapes to remarkable wildlife encounters, these parks will leave you with unforgettable memories. Remember to plan strategically, embrace the logistics, and fully embrace each park’s unique experiences. Stay tuned for our following guide, where we’ll explore Denali and Wrangell St Elias. AVIS Alaska is here to assist you in making the most of your Alaskan national park adventure.

UAA announces naming of Avis Alaska Sports Complex

UAA announces naming of Avis Alaska Sports Complex
The facility is home to UAA Hockey and was previously known as the Seawolf Sports Complex

ANCHORAGE, Alaska – The University of Alaska Anchorage announced the on-campus Seawolf Sports Complex will henceforth be named the Avis Alaska Sports Complex (ASC). The announcement was made by UAA Chancellor Sean Parnell in conjunction with Avis Alaska.

“We are honored Avis Alaska has chosen to make a long-term investment in the university and in Seawolf Athletics,” said Parnell. “This truly serves as a vote of confidence in UAA’s direction, and we couldn’t be more grateful. The entire community will benefit from this partnership, and we are especially excited about what this means for the future of Seawolf Hockey.”

“Avis Alaska is proud to be strengthening our 35-year-old relationship with UAA,” said Andrew Halcro, chairman of the board for Avis Alaska. “We believe the university represents Alaska’s best hope for the future and we are excited to be partners.”

The facility, which opened in 1978, is home to UAA’s Division I hockey program. In addition to the ice rink, locker rooms and coaches offices, the facility features a gymnasium, pool, fitness center, aerobics areas and more.

These spaces support intramural sports as well as recreation and kinesiology courses focused on physical activity, exercise science, recreation and wellness. The university is exploring renovation concepts that will further optimize the facility, specifically the ice rink and spectator bleachers.

“Seawolf Hockey players gave more than 500 hours of volunteer service to our community last year. It’s wonderful to see businesses and the community return the favor and invest in the student athletes,” said Kathie Bethard, chair of Seawolf Hockey Alliance. “This long-term sponsorship by Avis Alaska and its investment in updating the seating around the rink will help improve the fan experience by making the live games more comfortable and enjoyable to spectators. Equally important, it also shows the community support behind Seawolf Hockey and the desire to help grow the program.”

“Today is another excellent step forward for our hockey program,” said UAA Director of Athletics Ryan Swartwood. “Avis Alaska’s generosity and commitment to improving our fan experience is inspiring. They have been a key supporter of UAA Athletics for many years, and we are incredibly grateful for their continued partnership.”

The ASC naming agreement between UAA and Avis Alaska is a 10-year contract valued at $1 million and includes an option to extend the agreement for an additional three years through June 30, 2036 based on mutually agreed additional investment. The contract is effective July 1, 2023.

For more information about UAA Hockey, visit For more information about Avis Alaska, visit

Alaska Spring Bucket List: Top 5 Must-Do Activities with AVIS Alaska

Welcome to AVIS Alaska! If you’re planning a trip to Alaska in the spring, you’re in for a treat. Spring in the Last Frontier brings a sense of renewal and an abundance of natural wonders. As we start coming out of sub-freezing temperatures and the sun stays in the sky longer, Alaska bursts with activity, wildlife sightings, and unique experiences. As your trusted car rental company, we’ve got you covered with the top five bucket list items that most people have on their itinerary when they plan a trip to Alaska in the spring.

  1. Witness the Northern Lights in Fairbanks – When the long winter nights give way to spring, the dancing ribbons of the Northern Lights illuminate the Alaskan skies. Fairbanks, known as the “Golden Heart City,” is a prime destination to witness this awe-inspiring phenomenon. Head out on clear nights to designated viewing areas or join a guided tour to increase your chances of catching nature’s spectacular light show.
  2. Explore Kenai Fjords National Park in Seward – Spring is an ideal time to visit Kenai Fjords National Park in the charming coastal town of Seward. This pristine park offers breathtaking glaciers, rugged coastlines, and abundant marine life. Hop on a boat tour and marvel at the towering glaciers, spot whales and sea otters, and experience the dramatic beauty of this untouched wilderness.
  3. Go Wildlife Viewing in Denali National Park – Denali National Park, home to the majestic Denali (Mount McKinley), is a must-visit destination in late spring. Wildlife becomes more active as the park awakens from winter, making it a perfect time for viewing wildlife. Take a guided bus tour into the park, and watch for grizzly bears, moose, caribou, and the elusive wolves. The backdrop of snow-capped mountains just adds to the enchantment.
  4. Take a Scenic Drive on the Seward Highway – The Seward Highway, a designated All-American Road, offers a mesmerizing journey between Anchorage and Seward. As spring arrives, the landscape comes alive with vibrant wildflowers, rushing waterfalls, and snow-capped peaks. Don’t forget to make stops along the way, like the Chugach Mountains, Turnagain Arm, and the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center, to observe native wildlife up close.
  5. Experience the Iditarod Trail in Anchorage – Alaska is synonymous with dog sledding, and the annual Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race is a legendary event that captures the spirit of the state. While the race takes place in early March, the excitement lingers throughout the spring. Visit the Iditarod Headquarters in Anchorage to learn about this historic race, meet sled dogs, and even take a thrilling dog sled ride.

These top five bucket list items will make your spring trip to Alaska unforgettable. From witnessing the Northern Lights in Fairbanks to exploring the Kenai Fjords, encountering wildlife in Denali National Park, driving the scenic Seward Highway, and experiencing the spirit of the Iditarod in Anchorage, Alaska offers something extraordinary in the spring.

AVIS Alaska is here to make your journey more enjoyable and convenient. Rent a car from us to have the freedom and flexibility to explore the best of Alaska’s springtime wonders. Get ready for an adventure of a lifetime in the Last Frontier!

alaskan scenery

The Ultimate Alaska Summer Bucket List: Top 5 Must-Do Activities with AVIS Alaska

Alaskan scenery

If you’re planning a trip to Alaska in the summer, you already know what you want to see and do. After all, Alaska is a state full of adventure, natural beauty, and unique experiences. However, there are certain bucket list items that most people have on their itinerary when they plan a trip to Alaska in the summer. As a car rental company based in Alaska, AVIS Alaska has helped countless travelers explore the Last Frontier. Here are the top five bucket list items that most people have on their itinerary when they plan a trip to Alaska in the summer.

Visit Denali National Park

Located in central Alaska, Denali National Park is a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to the state. Home to the tallest peak in North America, Denali (formerly known as Mount McKinley), the park offers incredible views of glaciers, wildlife, and the stunning Alaskan wilderness. Visitors can take guided tours of the park, hike on one of the many trails, or even take a flightseeing tour to see the park from above.

Cruise the Inside Passage

    The Inside Passage is a stunning coastal route that stretches from British Columbia, Canada, to Skagway, Alaska. Many travelers cruise this route to see the glaciers, whales, and other wildlife that call this area home. Stops along the way include Ketchikan, Juneau, and Sitka, each with unique history and charm.

    Explore Glacier Bay National Park

    Another must-visit destination in Alaska is Glacier Bay National Park. The park has over a dozen glaciers and stunning fjords in southeast Alaska. Visitors can take a boat tour to see the glaciers up close or even kayak in the bay. Wildlife lovers will also be thrilled to see humpback whales, sea lions, and porpoises.

    Take a scenic drive on the Seward Highway

    The Seward Highway is a scenic route that stretches from Anchorage to Seward. The drive offers stunning views of the Alaskan coastline, glaciers, and wildlife. Highlights along the way include the Chugach Mountains and the Kenai Fjords National Park. There are plenty of places to stop along the way to take photos and explore the area.

    Visit the Kenai Peninsula

      The Kenai Peninsula is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts. Home to the Kenai River, visitors can go fishing for salmon, trout, and other species. The area is also known for its hiking trails, wildlife viewing, and stunning scenery. Other activities in the area include kayaking, canoeing, and whitewater rafting.

      In conclusion, a trip to Alaska in the summer offers countless opportunities for adventure and exploration. Whether visiting Denali National Park, cruising the Inside Passage, exploring Glacier Bay National Park, taking a scenic drive on the Seward Highway, or visiting the Kenai Peninsula, there’s something for everyone in the Last Frontier. As a car rental company based in Alaska, AVIS Alaska is here to help you explore all this great state offers.

      10 Fun Summer Activities in Whittier, Alaska

      Whittier, Alaska

      Whittier, Alaska, is a hidden gem tucked away in the pristine wilderness of Alaska. This quaint town, located on the shores of Prince William Sound, is a true paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. Whittier is the perfect destination for a summer adventure with its stunning natural beauty, abundant wildlife, and various outdoor activities. If you’re planning a trip to Whittier, here are ten activities you won’t want to miss:

      1. Kayaking in Prince William Sound: Prince William Sound is a breathtakingly beautiful location best explored by kayak. Paddle through the crystal clear waters and take in the stunning scenery, including glaciers and wildlife. Estimated time: Half-day to full-day.
      2. Hiking to Portage Pass: The Portage Pass trail offers some of the most spectacular views in Whittier. This moderate hike takes you to a scenic overlook where you can enjoy panoramic views of Portage Glacier and the surrounding mountains. Estimated time: 2-3 hours.
      3. Fishing for Salmon: Whittier is renowned for its salmon fishing. Head out on a fishing charter and catch your own salmon for dinner. Estimated time: Half-day to full-day.
      4. Scenic Drive along Turnagain Arm: Take a scenic drive along Turnagain Arm, one of Alaska’s most picturesque stretches of road. Keep an eye out for Dall sheep, beluga whales, and eagles. Estimated time: 1-2 hours.
      5. Wildlife Cruise: Take a wildlife cruise to see whales, sea otters, seals, and other marine life in their natural habitat. You can also see the many glaciers that dot the coastline of Prince William Sound. Estimated time: Half-day to full-day.
      6. Bird Watching: Whittier is home to a variety of bird species, including bald eagles, puffins, and oystercatchers. Bring your binoculars and go bird watching in the lush forests and along the shoreline. Estimated time: Half-day.
      7. Visit the Whittier Museum: Learn about the fascinating history of Whittier at the Whittier Museum. The museum features exhibits on Whittier’s military history, its role in the Alaska earthquake of 1964, and its development as a commercial port. Estimated time: 1-2 hours.
      8. Go Glacier Trekking: For the more adventurous, go glacier trekking on the nearby glaciers. You’ll be led by a professional guide and provided with all the necessary equipment. Estimated time: Half-day to full-day.
      9. Visit the Begich Towers: The Begich Towers is a unique sight in Whittier. This massive structure was built during World War II to house soldiers and their families. Today, it is home to the majority of Whittier’s residents. Estimated time: 30 minutes to 1 hour.
      10. Take a Train Ride on the Alaska Railroad: The Alaska Railroad runs through Whittier, and a train ride is a fantastic way to see the scenery. Choose from various routes that take you through Alaska’s most stunning landscapes. Estimated time: Half-day to full-day.

      There you have it, ten great activities to enjoy in Whittier this summer. Rent a car from AVIS Alaska and explore all this beautiful town offers. From kayaking to fishing and hiking to glacier trekking, there is something for everyone in Whittier.

      10 Fun Summer Activities in Skagway, Alaska

      Downtown Skagway

      Hello from AVIS Alaska! We are excited to share our top ten picks for things to do in Skagway, Alaska, during the summer. Whether you’re a local or a visitor, there is something for everyone to enjoy in this historic gold rush town.

      1. Take a scenic drive on the Klondike Highway: This iconic highway is a must-see for anyone visiting Skagway. The road winds through the mountains and offers stunning views of glaciers, waterfalls, and wildlife. Estimated time: 4-6 hours for the entire drive.
      2. Visit the Skagway Museum and Archives: This museum preserves the history of Skagway and the surrounding area. You can learn about the gold rush, the native Tlingit people, and the town’s role in World War II. Estimated time: 1-2 hours.r
      3. Go on a whale-watching tour: Skagway has several companies that offer guided tours. You’ll be able to see humpback whales, orcas, and other marine life. Estimated time: 3-4 hours.
      4. Take a scenic train ride on the White Pass and Yukon Route: This historic railroad takes you through the mountains and offers stunning views of the Alaskan wilderness. You can choose from several different tours and packages. Estimated time: 2-4 hours.
      5. Hike the Chilkoot Trail: This historic trail was once a major route for gold rush prospectors. Today, it’s a popular hiking trail that offers stunning views of the mountains and valleys. You can choose from several different hikes of varying lengths and difficulties. Estimated time: 3-8 hours.
      6. Visit the Red Onion Saloon: This historic saloon was once famous for gold rush miners. Today, it’s a popular tourist attraction that offers guided tours and live entertainment. Estimated time: 1-2 hours.
      7. Explore the Dyea Historic Site: Dyea was once a bustling town during the gold rush. Today, it’s a historic site that offers guided tours and hiking trails. You can learn about the town’s history and see remnants of the gold rush era. Estimated time: 2-3 hours.
      8. Go kayaking in the Taiya Inlet: The Taiya Inlet offers calm waters and stunning views of the mountains and wildlife. You can rent kayaks or book a guided tour. Estimated time: 2-4 hours.
      9. Visit the Jewell Gardens: These beautiful gardens offer stunning views of the mountains and glaciers. You can also take a glassblowing class and create your souvenir to take home. Estimated time: 1-2 hours.
      10. Visit the Gold Rush Cemetery: This historic cemetery is the final resting place for many of Skagway’s gold rush pioneers. You can take a self-guided tour and learn about the lives and stories of those buried there. Estimated time: 1-2 hours.

      We hope you enjoy your time in Skagway and make the most of all that this beautiful town has to offer. And remember to rent a car from AVIS Alaska to make getting around a breeze.

      downtown fairbanks

      10 Fun Summer Activities in Fairbanks, Alaska

      downtown fairbanks

      Greetings from AVIS Alaska! We are the premier car rental company in Alaska, and we are excited to help you explore all our beautiful state offers. Whether you’re a local or a visitor, there are plenty of fun and exciting activities to enjoy during the summer. Here are ten of our top picks:

      1. Visit Pioneer Park: Pioneer Park is a historic park with exhibits and buildings showcasing the history of Fairbanks and the surrounding area. You can also catch live performances and events throughout the summer. Estimated time: 2-3 hours.
      2. Take a scenic drive on the Steese Highway: This scenic drive takes you through the heart of the Alaskan wilderness and offers breathtaking views of the state’s natural beauty. You can stop at several scenic pullouts to take in the scenery. Estimated time: 4-6 hours for the whole drive.
      3. Go rafting on the Chena River: The Chena River is a popular spot for rafting, kayaking, and canoeing, and it’s a great way to experience the beauty of the Alaskan wilderness. You can choose from various guided tours or rent equipment to go alone. Estimated time: 2-4 hours.
      4. Visit the Morris Thompson Cultural and Visitors Center: This center showcases the culture and heritage of Alaska’s indigenous peoples. You can learn about the state’s rich history and see authentic native artifacts. Estimated time: 2-3 hours.
      5. Take a scenic flightseeing tour: See Alaska’s stunning landscapes from above, and several companies offer flightseeing tours of the state. You’ll get breathtaking views of mountains, glaciers, and wildlife you can’t see from the ground. Estimated time: 1-3 hours.
      6. Explore the University of Alaska Museum of the North: This world-class museum is home to various exhibits showcasing Alaska’s natural and cultural history, as well as contemporary art and science. It’s a must-see for anyone visiting Fairbanks. Estimated time: 2-3 hours.
      7. Go gold panning: Fairbanks is the heart of the Alaskan gold rush, and several companies offer gold panning tours. You’ll get to try your hand at finding gold and learn about the history of the state’s gold rush. Estimated time: 2-3 hours.
      8. Visit the Creamer’s Field Migratory Waterfowl Refuge: This nature preserve is a haven for bird watchers and nature lovers and is home to various migratory waterfowl. You can take a guided tour or go it alone and explore the trails. Estimated time: 2-3 hours.
      9. Take a scenic drive on the Elliott Highway: This scenic drive takes you through the heart of the Alaskan wilderness and offers breathtaking views of the state’s natural beauty. You can stop at several scenic pullouts to take in the sights. Estimated time: 4-6 hours for the complete drive.
      10. Explore the Fairbanks Ice Museum: This unique museum showcases the art and science of ice carving. You’ll see a variety of ice sculptures and learn about the history of ice carving in Alaska. Estimated time: 1-2 hours.

      We hope you enjoy your summer in Fairbanks and all it offers! Remember to rent a car from AVIS Alaska to make the most of your trip.

      10 Fun Summer Activities in Anchorage, Alaska

      Chugach state park

      Welcome to AVIS Alaska! We are the premier car rental company in Anchorage, and we are excited to help you explore all that our beautiful city has to offer. Whether you’re a local or a visitor, there are plenty of fun and exciting activities to enjoy during the summer months. Here are ten of our top picks:

      1. Hike Chugach State Park: Located just a short drive from downtown Anchorage, Chugach State Park is home to over 500 miles of trails, offering something for hikers of all levels. It’s the perfect place to enjoy the beauty of the Alaskan wilderness and get some exercise. Estimated time: 2-6 hours, depending on the trail chosen.
      2. Visit the Anchorage Museum: This world-class museum is a must-see for anyone visiting Anchorage. It features exhibits on Alaska’s natural and cultural history, as well as contemporary art and science. Estimated time: 2-4 hours.
      3. Go salmon fishing: Alaska is known for its abundant salmon populations. So, what better way to experience it than by going fishing? You can choose to go out on a guided tour or rent equipment and go it alone. Either way, it’s a unique and exciting way to spend a summer day. Estimated time: 4-8 hours.
      4. Take a scenic flightseeing tour: Alaska’s stunning landscapes are best seen from above, and there are plenty of companies offering flightseeing tours of the state. You’ll get breathtaking views of mountains, glaciers, and wildlife that you can’t see from the ground. Estimated time: 10-15 hours, depending on the trip chosen.
      5. Check out the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center: This center is home to a variety of Alaskan wildlife, including bears, moose, and bison. It’s a great place to learn about the state’s native animals and see them up close. Estimated time: 2-3 hours.
      6. Visit the Alaska Native Heritage Center: This center is dedicated to preserving and sharing the culture and traditions of Alaska’s indigenous peoples. You can take part in cultural demonstrations, see authentic native crafts, and learn about the rich history of the state. Estimated time: 2-3 hours.
      7. Go whale watching: The waters around Anchorage are home to a variety of whale species, and several companies offer whale-watching tours. You’ll have the chance to see these majestic creatures up close and learn about their habits and behaviors. Estimated time: 3-4 hours.
      8. Explore the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center: This center is home to a variety of Alaskan wildlife, including bears, moose, and bison. It’s a great place to learn about the state’s native animals and see them up close. Estimated time: 2-3 hours.
      9. Visit the Alaska Railroad Depot: The Alaska Railroad is an iconic part of the state’s history, and the depot in Anchorage is a must-see for history buffs. You can learn about the railroad’s role in the development of the state and see vintage trains on display. Estimated time: 1-2 hours.
      10. Go dog sledding: Dog sledding is a popular activity in Alaska, and several companies offer guided tours. You’ll get to experience the thrill of riding in a sled pulled by a team of powerful huskies. Estimated time: 3-4 hours.

      We hope you enjoy your summer in Anchorage and all that it has to offer! Don’t forget to rent a car from AVIS Alaska to make the most of your trip.